Wake Me When It's Over
14 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
If there was a story about finding the strength to overcome adversity, I couldn't find it. What I found was an insipid ploy right out of Made-for-TV Hell to cash in on a certain family member's celebrity.

The guy playing Walter didn't look more than 15 years older than the guy playing Wayne, and neither of them looked remotely like Walter or Wayne. The woman playing Phyllis looked like Sarah Palin, complete with glasses and hair in a French twist. The guy playing the therapist looked like he just dropped out of junior high school. The guy playing Walter's buddy looked like a dumpy version of Clive Owen. At least the guy playing the doctor actually looked like a doctor.

Here, Wayne, Keith, Brent, and Glen don't have lives, and Kim is well on her way to becoming Canada's most famous spinster when the therapist begins to hit on her. Yeah, they did wind up getting married, but it was more than a bit icky.

Since the therapist is so inept at his job, he makes lists, he must have written the following for Walter to do; there is simply no other possible explanation:

Have flashbacks about teaching your boy to play hockey while on the way to the hospital.

Visit your parents' graves, then flip out like Frankenstein on an acid trip while having flashbacks about feeding chickens with your mother.

Flip out like Frankenstein on an acid trip as you watch your kids play hockey.

Flip out like Frankenstein on an acid trip when your wife serves you lunch.

Flip out like Frankenstein on an acid trip as you chase after a figment of your imagination before it falls through the ice and drowns.

Babble in Ukrainian like Frankenstein on an acid trip.

Go into deer-caught-in-the-headlights mode at the drop of a hat.

Crawl on your hands and knees across a skating rink.

Get dissed by the coach of a pee-wee hockey team.

Drive your wife and daughter up the wall.

Phyllis and Kim were utterly unlikable because they had something resembling personalities. The others could have been played by cardboard cut outs, and no one would have noticed.
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