Dishonest advertising aside, a poorly made film
20 May 2011
Yes, this film jumped on the ZG bandwagon and that's probably the only reason anyone honestly watched this film. It's also the only reason anyone got to see an interesting idea get completely butchered by terrible writing and equally awful directing. Perhaps it's because the budget was so low, perhaps its because the writers and director were simply talentless. The concept, without spoiling it for you (but really, don't bother) is a discussion of violence and what is evil, what is addiction, and what is human nature. Interesting, right? Yeah. Toss in some relatively talented and interesting actors and its all up to the writing and directing to bring this film together. Those two cogs fail miserably, and we're left with a film that features a superb ZG doing what he does best for about fifteen minutes. After that, you're left to fumble around the film on your own. Good luck, but don't bother. This film was a failure. A good idea, but poorly executed.
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