22 May 2011
Wandering Here and There (1944)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

This TravelTalks entry in pretty much unlike any other one that I've seen as instead of taking a look at one single place, this short jumps around to various locations. While WWII was going on, James Fitzpatrick wasn't allowed to travel freely around the globe so he stayed in America shooting footage. This limitation might be the reason for this film as it really does feel as if the footage here was shot for perhaps its own film but not enough footage was gathered so they just threw everything into one film. We track around the United States looking at various things including Craker Lake, a copper pit in Utah, Mark Twain's birthplace as well as a site dedicated to Huck Finn, a rolling log tournament as well as the Arlington National Cemetery. None of these places are given too much time and there's really no reason as to when their footage is shown. There's certainly not any type of story trying to be told with this entry so it really doesn't have the same feel as your typical TravelTalks entry. With that said, as you'd expect the nice looking Technicolor is on hand and the opening shots in Oregon look incredibly good.
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