The Greatest (2009)
A must see
26 May 2011
why is it a must see? because this movie is heart breaking, tear jerking, mind blowing sad. The truth is the story is ordinary just like any other Drama that you might or might not shed a tear or two over, however, the power of this movie lies in the incredible performance of Carey Mulligan, Susan Sarandon and most importantly Pierce Brosnan. Personally, I have always found Brosnan awkward in his roles and I never found any of his previous performances gripping until I watched The Greatest that is.

Some people might say that the screenplay was exaggerated, therefore killing the beauty of the performance. However I have to disagree with this because if anything, the performance of the above mentioned stars brought an element of realism to the story which made it hard for the audience not to relate to at least some part of it. In addition to the incredible performance, I think the camera techniques worked especially well. The Director adopted a 'cold' atmosphere that can almost be called 'raw' but that would be a deceptive term in this context.

I highly recommend this movie, unfortunately it's very underrated despite the exceptional performance by fantastic stars
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