Review of Speedway

Speedway (1929)
William Haines Races to the Finish
26 May 2011
Boastful race-car enthusiast William Haines (as William "Bill" Whipple) works for mentor driver Ernest Torrence (as Jim "Mac" MacDonald), who has been trying to win the Indianapolis 500 since its inception in 1911. When Mr. Torrence is sidetracked due to a weak heart, Mr. Haines enters the race, along with mechanic pal Karl Dane (as Dugan) and rival John Miljan (as Lee Renny). Haines also romances beautiful Anita Page (as Patricia "Pat" Bonner), who helps teach him a lesson. This is your typical Haines vehicle. It is most notable as one of MGM's last silent features, and includes actual Indy 500 location footage. "Speedway" has Haines and the MGM crew in good form, but the silent era was ending. After Greta Garbo's successful "The Kiss" appeared in November, all the big stars were being heard.

****** Speedway (9/7/29) Harry Beaumont ~ William Haines, Anita Page, Ernest Torrence, Karl Dane
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