La fanciulla del West (1982 TV Movie)
Great production and beautifully performed
30 May 2011
I don't consider La Fancuilla del West the best of Puccini's operas like I do Tosca or La Boheme, but despite the somewhat standard story it is an interesting opera. Some might say it lacks show-stopping arias, in a way that is true apart from Rance's act 1 aria, which is beautiful but rather abrupt, and ch'ella mi creda, but the melodious and lyrical music that is so typical of Puccini is still there and you can hear slight homages(not imitations) of Richard Strauss and Debussy. This 1982 Royal Opera House production is great and beautifully performed. The sets and costumes are wonderfully evoked and the orchestra and conducting are spot on. The entire ensemble cast do a fine job, especially Sid and Ashby, but I have to give the real kudos to the leads. The best for me is Carol Neblett's amazing Minnie, she has such an infectious personality, charming presence and beautiful voice I am transfixed every time she's on screen. I did love Barbara Daniels in the 1992 Met production too, but I find Neblett's voice appeals to me just a tad more. Placido Domingo looks dashing, gives it his all with his acting and sings a dream as always, and his chemistry with Neblett is magic. Silvano Carolli looks the part of a hardened cowboy, and his singing and acting is highly commendable. Excepting the card scene, which is nail-biting even when you know what happens, I feel his chemistry with Neblett isn't quite as strong as when she is with Domingo but it is hardly non-existent either. Overall, beautifully performed and I recommend it. 9/10 Bethany Cox
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