Review of Epoch

Epoch (2001 TV Movie)
30 May 2011
This movie is a steaming pile of laziness from everybody involved in producing this turd. A group of washed up actors chewing up the scenery as they deliver lines that could have came from a seventh grader's notebook. This "film" was clearly slapped together and it shows by the lack of attention to detail. Things like steam coming from an air cooled VW that is made to look like it has over heated to the count down clock on the class 15 bomb that keeps jumping around. This VW must have been a time machine because the main character claims to have driven a 73 SuperBeetle to Woodstock. There is nothing new in this movie, everything in this film has been done by every other movie that has been on the SyFy Channel, the hotshot female doctor that turns out to be the love interest of the main character, the gun toting trigger happy army team, and the nuclear bomb that is supposed to save the World. I give this one two thumbs way down and one middle finger way up. Do NOT waste your time watching it.
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