The adventures of a safety dog and his family of complete morons.
1 June 2011
This is a cartoon sponsored by the National Film Board of Canada. And, not surprisingly, its purpose is educational. The animation is pleasing (though far from cutting edge) and appears to be created using colored pencils.

A family adopts a dog in order to impress the man's boss (a great reason to adopt a pet!). However, they don't realize that the dog is an obsessive-compulsive safety nut. This isn't all bad, as although he is a goody-goody, the family appears to be nothing but idiots--with the family's baby nearly getting killed repeatedly and the master and his wife constantly illustrating how NOT to keep yourself safe at home.

While the topic is deathly dull, the cartoon manages to work pretty well since it has a nice sense of humor while illustrating many ways you could get hurt at home. In other words, it teaches kids important information in a palatable manner--a hard thing normally to do. A decent film that fits an important (but preachy) niche.
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