Another terrible creature feature.
6 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Xtinction is set in the Louisiana swamps where Laura Le Crois (Elena Lyons) has returned to after several years in search of her missing father Pappy (Philip Beard), meanwhile local Sheriff Tim Richards (Lochlyn Munro) has a growing list of missing persons on his hands. A young couple named Mandy (Lacey Minchew) & Matt (Gabe Begneaud) hire a boat from Laura to go on a sunset tour of the swamp, with no one else to pilot the boat Laura has to herself but while out in the swamp the boat is attacked by a huge underwater prehistoric reptile. On dry land Laura witnesses two local brother's feed her father pappy to the prehistoric monster who then turn their attentions to her, the brother's kidnap Laura, Mandy & Matt while the Sheriff now has to start dealing with various severed body parts washing up on dry land & after Laura's boat is found badly damaged he sets out to find her...

Also known as Xtinction: Predator X this was directed by Amir Valinia & although not a Sy-Fy Channel original creature feature it might well have been, in fact I'm pretty sure the Sy-Fy Channel will pick this up as it's just the sort of thing they make themselves. The cloned Dinosaur, the aquatic swamp setting, the policeman & his girlfriend character's, the evil scientist guy, the dumb clichés who are there just to be killed off & some really lame plot twists. While watching this yesterday it felt like I was sat there in front of the telly for hours, this really drags & the Dinosaur feels more like a second thought than anything else. The plot is stupid, are the writers of this thing convinced that anyone who watches this will believe that in order to genetically clone a Dinosaur all you need are some old bones, a few test tubes in a wooden shack in a Louisiana swamp & the combined knowledge of a college teacher & two inbred brother's one of whom can barely speak? Where did the sonar device come from? How did the teacher know it would work, what does the Dinosaur do when the sonar isn't on? Why create a Dinosaur in the first place? What did they intend to do with it? Why didn't they take any precautions to stop the Dinosaur eating them? Nothing quite makes sense, there's little or no reason behind anything that happens & character motivation is baffling. The majority of the film follows Laura as she gets kidnapped, has to escape & then fight for her life as she is pursued by a giant Dinosaur & a couple of local killers. The kidnapping angle dominates the middle third of the film & the Dinosaur really is all but forgotten about. There's a totally random twist near the end in which a friend suddenly betrays Laura & turns out to be working for the bad guy but then once his car crashes a few minutes later he sees the error of his ways & says he deserves to die & the car blows up. The Dinosaur angle is poorly thought out with no reason or logic behind it's creation or continued protection, the character's are poor & it's pretty dull. In fact, are you sure this wasn't made by the Sy-Fy Channel?

The CGI effects vary from average to terrible, the same shot of the Dinosaur swimming underwater is used several times & even the gore isn't that good. There's a severed hand, a severed arm, a couple of severed feet & a bit of blood but not much else. The one thing I will say about Xtinction is that the cinematography is quite nice, I expected lots of green trees & bright sunshine but the look of Xtinction is just the opposite with dead trees, very brown & Earthy settings & a Louisiana swamp that looks quite dead & hostile. Not that a subdued colour scheme makes Xtinction worth watching.

With a supposed budget of about $2,500,000 I can't believe that much was spent on it, it looks pretty cheap with minimal effects & action. Actually filmed in Louisiana. The one bright spark of Xtinction is leading lady Elena Lyons who does put in an energetic performance, everyone else seems bored.

Xtinction is your average stand Sy-Fy Channel quality creature feature, in other words it's routine unoriginal crap. Poor effects, predictable plot, a script that makes no sense & a slow pace just kill it dead in the water. Films like Xtinction are ten a penny & there are much, much better ones out there.
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