Review of Blackout

Blackout (IV) (2008)
9 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Possible spoilers I wont bore you with a synopsis of this film, there's enough of that in other reviews.

I found this movie pointless by a key factor: the characters, in a plot in which three characters are forcibly secluded, is obvious they have to be interesting to make the movie work, here it isn't the case. First the choice for our trio of protagonists is random and inconsequential, they don't complement, mirror or oppose each other in any way, they're bland, all of them young, good-looking, with some feeble drama on the background, and most importantly, there are no stakes at all, there is no challenge to overcome, and the stuff that happens to stop the elevator feels forced and unnatural,mind you that I know nothing of elevators but it simply doesn't pull me into the narrative, and it is completely unbelievable that for hours no one enters the building and notice the elevator doesn't work.

The photography and music is enjoyable, but adds little to the emotions of the main idea, The abundant flashbacks that supposedly serve to introduce and develop the characters, fail to connect with the main plot line and are too generic to be of interest.

Overall the movie lacks focus or intent, three characters with secrets get stuck in an elevator- one of them a murderer- so what?.
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