This movie was not good
12 June 2011
I never write review. I'm not even good at writing. I was extremely excited to see this movie. Unfortunately, after watching the movie, I was so disappointed, that I had to register an IMDb account and post a review. Maybe this will get me into writing more reviews in the future.

Anyway, I'll start with the positives. The story was mildly intriguing. It definitely had some potential. The music was good. OK, that's it for the positives. Not much, eh? Well...that's the reason for a 2/10.

Acting: The acting was absolutely horrible by the main character. Everyone else was mediocre. The main character did not seem believable at all. Granted, this was partially due to the things they made him say in the script, but either way, it could have been much better.

Character Development: There was none. The main character was unbelievable and was impossible to sympathize with. I could not imagine anyone reacting the way he did in the same situation as he was placed.

Story Progression: The scenes were too long and drawn out. It was so boring that I had to jump ahead 10-15 seconds at a time just to get through the movie.

Music: Way too freakin' loud and prominent all throughout the movie. I could barely hear what the characters were saying.

Overall: I thought the story was good, but could have been significantly improved. The acting needed to be improved significantly. As much as I hate to say it, I would love to see a Hollywood remake of this.
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