Engrossing episode
20 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Earth and the rival planet Zykaria are on the cusp of war. Zykarian Ambassador Duvoe (a sound and dignified portrayal by Mark Lenard) travels on a shuttle piloted by Buck Rogers (a solid and likable performance by Gil Gerard) to a peace conference in the city of Oasis on the otherwise desolate desert planet R-4. Things go awry when the shuttle gets caught in a sudden radiation storm and Buck has to crash land the craft on the harsh surface of R-4 that's populated by a savage tribe of primitive mutants. Director Daniel Haller, working from a thoughtful and involving script by Bob and Esther Mitchell, relates the absorbing story at a steady pace, maintains a basically serious tone throughout, develops a good deal of tension, makes inspired use of the arid rocky locations, and delivers a few exciting action set pieces (a fierce fight between Buck and an invisible man brandishing a deadly glowing sword rates as the definite thrilling highlight). The ever-lovely Erin Gray is in fine charming form as Wilma Deering, who once had a fling with Duvoe. Len Birman likewise does well as suspicious Zykarian Admiral Zite. Moreover, the mischievous, yet helpful diminutive simian gnome character of Odee-X (Felix Silla in funky purple make-up) supplies some highly amusing and much appreciated comic relief. Best of all, this episode makes a strong and provocative point about the necessity for understanding in order to beget peace and tolerance between two races. A worthwhile show.
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