Review of YPF

YPF (2007)
Ban this nonsense immediately!!!!
22 June 2011
I cannot believe that a movie is allowed to have such an obscene title, let alone be shown in theatres! In fact the title is the worst thing about this movie because everyone must be offended by it regardless of whether he sees the movie or not. I'm not quite sure what the makers of this movie intended to achieve with this movie, except to exploit se* for its own sake by appealing to 20 year olds who have all but lost the concept of normal marriages and commonsense relations between man and woman.

Most people are going to say that when children ask what this movie is about when seeing its trailer play or seeing the title in public, they can be told by their parents that its not for their age range. Thus according to them, the matter can be conveniently and efficiently closed and children can be guarded from obscene matter, while the adults can watch these and garner delight in light-hearted comedies.

But this is not about the children really. What of the adults? Should they be watching such movies to begin with? Light-hearted comedies have existed since time immemorial, from skits and parodies to satires and jocular plays in theatres. This film however, goes too far. It takes and uses a sacred act and treats it in a profligate, frivolous way, both desecrating and desensitizing the audience to it. This singular, sacred act which is the basis of this movie for eliciting laughter from the audience is too great to be trifled with, too great to be used in so cavalier a manner.

What follows is both a plea and is not hyperbole when I say the United States and Canada are culturally nothing but hedonistic dens, filled with masses that carry out the behavior of brothels, consuming themselves in a vat of carnal debauchery for the last 15 years. Save yourselves. Save your children. I urge all governments to ban this film immediately!!!
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