Nifty episode
3 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A virus-stricken Buck (a sound performance by Gil Gerard) is the only one able to see that Ambassador Cabot (well played with sturdy authority by Linden Chiles) and his party are really nefarious lizard creatures called Saurians who plan on taking over the Delta Defense Grid. Can a sickly Buck stop them in time? Director Barry Crane, working from a compelling script by Francis Moss, relates the absorbing story at a steady pace, maintains a serious tone throughout, and sprinkles in a few nice moments of amusing dry humor for good measure. Moreover, Gerard does an able and impressive job of portraying Buck as extremely ill and not entirely sure of himself. The rest of the cast is likewise up to speed, with especially praiseworthy work from the ever-lovely Erin Gray as the concerned Wilma, Thom Christopher as the loyal Hawk, Vernon Waddle as ruthless Saurian physician Dr. Moray, and Kim Hamilton as the doting Nurse Hamilton. The Saurians look pretty funky in their natural green'n'scaly reptilian guise. Despite the surprising lack of the expected slam-bang action this episode still manages to be quite involving thanks to Gerard's considerable thespic skills and always likable screen presence. An enjoyable show.
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