Visuals Make the Film Worth Viewing
4 July 2011
Grand Canyon Adventure: River at Risk (2008)

*** (out of 4)

Robert Redford narrates this "warning" flick that explains that the Colorado River might soon be a thing of the path due to several things including Global Warming. A group of people, including Robert Kennedy, Jr., travel through the Grand Canyon to show off its beauty while we learn why the river is so important. If you're worried about having another film preach at you about Global Warming then you might think twice about renting this film but thankfully the preaching isn't too bad so the visuals make the film worth seeing. I'll start with the preaching because your opinion on Global Warming and if it's real or not will probably throw in some politics that weren't really needed. The film starts off talking about water conservation, which I'm fine with but some of the comments were just a tad bit too doom and gloom for my liking. We're warned that the Colorado River might be gone forever if we don't act now but yet we never really get any evidence to back this up so I'm guessing the producers just wanted us to take their word. Yes, we're given a few photos showing how much the water has gone down over the past couple decades and we learn that Las Vegas takes up way too much water but there are things being done to help keep the water flowing yet these things really aren't mentioned. The main reason to watch this movie is for the scenery and boy do we get some terrific images. The stuff with the river is just downright beautiful and especially the scenes where they're white water rafting. Seeing the Grand Canyon so close really makes you jaw drop to its beauty and this here is reason alone to check out this 44- minute documentary.
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