9 July 2011
I watch a ton of movies, some great, some terrible, and some just OK. This one I would sum up in one word...fun. There's some good laughs, people die, there's a bit of mystery, what more could you want?! Other than super powers or lightsabers that is. oh and perhaps some hot chick nudity would have been nice, there's none of that in this...sigh...but I digress, I'ld never heard of this before watching it but I'm glad I did.

A note to all you Zach Galifianakis fans, if you're watching this movie just because he's in it...he's barely in it, but Rob Corddry is pretty damn funny, also I would normally like a better explanation of things at the end of a movie but this one was fun to watch so I'll forgive it.
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