Most Haunted Wannabe
7 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is a film masquerading as documentary footage of a Paranormal Investigation shot in an impressive building, Crowley Hall. That sentence unfortunately is the most interesting thing about this movie. One of my all time gripes with these investigations is that we spend most of the time hearing out of shot sounds while looking at the green night-vision spectacle that is the ghost hunter's face, or fast movement of cameras to catch the elusive proof only to find the camera then takes thirty seconds to focus on empty air. This however, was still not the worst of the movie, despite the issues mentioned being the worst examples I have ever seen. The diatribe ejecting from the mouth of the Lead Investigator was not only painful to watch but actually made me quite angry, as he clearly just wanted a soapbox to eject his moronic lack of understanding of the whole subject while simultaneously over-exaggerating the significance of any background noises. Noises that unfortunately for the patient (or im) viewer these sounds will never be heard due to the score, comprising of many BBC sound effect echoing wails or ghostly moans being played over any and every sound that might have lent some intrigue or suspense. The medium was very unconvincing, they had no specialised equipment, no stills taken, no worthy footage from the poor quality handycams and no interesting areas explored. I genuinely cannot believe that someone would be proud for people to see this utter utter amateur drivel. Considering the subject matter, the lack of thought and imagination is really quite unbelievable. Don't touch it. Ever. Honestly, not even with the longest bargepole, you will never get those 85 minutes back.
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