Review of The Arrival

The Twilight Zone: The Arrival (1961)
Season 3, Episode 2
I see it but I know its not there!
11 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** It's when flight 107 from Buffalo landed at the Seattle Airport that things just didn't seem right not only with the plane but the passengers and crew on it. The plane was there all right in perfect condition making a by the book landing but the big surprise was that there was no passengers as well as crew members on it to land it!

Given the assignment to get to the bottom of this aviation mystery FAA's, Federal Aviation Acency, top investigator Grant Sheckly, Harold J. Stone, checks out everyone connected with the flight and comes up with absolutely nothing in the plane's mechanics to have it fly off and land all by itself as if it were guided by remote control. As for the some 30 some passengers and crew on it that are not accounted for did they all jump off while it was in flight in some kind of sky diving exhibition?

***SPOILERS*** It takes a while for Sheckly to realize this but the plane and those on it didn't really exist at all but only existed in him mind! This was demonstrated with Sheckly and the ground crew and manager of the airport giving different descriptions of the inside of the plane as well as its tail serial number! Sheckly a die in the wool and fanatical perfectionist has never lost a case or plane in his some 20 years career as an FAA investigator but this one: Flight 107 Which happened not now but over 15 years ago!

In trying to rewrite history or his mistake Sheckly's mind snapped some 15 years ago and he's been in some weird state of limbo ever since!In him trying to find the missing flight, that crashed into the Pacific Ocean, Shecky has convinced himself that it's still in the air on it's way to the Seattle Airport! It's when the plane landed and turned out to exist only in Shecky's disturbed mind and the minds of those he conjured up that he came to realize that he's gone completely insane! Insane in that fact that him being human makes mistakes just like the rest of us. Mistakes or a mistake, the loss of Flight 107, that he can't bring himself to come to grips with! This after almost 20 years after it happened!
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