Murder for minerals...
12 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
If ignorance is bliss, apathy is ecstasy. Why should We care if They suffer; if law enforcement officers die because We want to take a toke; or if children die in sweat shops or are buried alive in cave-ins in mines? The Swedish reporter whose conscience prompts him to go in search of answers finds "a responsible person to speak to" about as difficult as getting out of a cell-phone contract (which ain't easy, believe me). "One in three cell-phones is a Nokia," the reporter observes. And those cell phones require specific minerals that apparently can only be found deep underground in the Congo. So, in go the kids- and the tunnels collapse, burying them alive. Supply and demand in action. Or: "That's politics," one Kinshasa exec working both sides of the fence(s) says. "These people are out of control," one man warns the reporter: "Be careful." "You can't imagine what's going on, man," another man says, after recounting a horrific tale: "Pay attention," he urges. "This country is dead, anyway," one miner offers as he chips away at the earth. Demand and Supply; it's that simple.
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