Joel Osteen (1999– )
16 July 2011
It's a shame Joel Osteen is such a good success. He preaches to a huge church every Sunday. He's in the same league as all the other pastors, except there's something about him that makes him stand out as so much more powerful. Why is this?

The reason is simple, it's because Joel's sermons are not about God, they are about YOU! Osteen creates a different version of the Lord and takes the biblical scripture out of context.

Here's a collection of strong biblical truths that Joel refuses to reveal:

1. We are sinners 2. Those who don't believe in Christ will not inhabit the kingdom of God 3. Jesus died to pay for our sins 4. The ten commandments 5. The prophecy 6. We should commit to the Lord

What do all 5 of those elements have in common? The're not sugar sweets for the ears! Here's a replacement of how Joel changes God's word in order NOT to upset his congregation with the truth:

1. Think positive 3. God loves you 4. Because God lived, you shall live also 5. Don't let Satan's negativity get you down 6. The Lord provides

Is Joel sweet? Yes. Is Joel encouraging? Absolutely, but his entire message is about preaching to people, and telling you how you can live for yourself, not living for God. His sermons only use Jesus as a way of making you feel like there's an outside spiritual force that does nothing but good and provides for you. That is NOT what God is about. It clearly says in the Bible that we are to devote our lives to God, and praise him, follow him and obey the law. Joel Osteen never says this.

Another agenda in Joel's teaching is something he refers to as reprogramming your mind. This is a process in which you must put an image of prosperity, joy and success in your mind. If you do so, then "God" will provide you with these things. My question to Joel is, WHERE THE HECK DOES THE BIBLE SAY THAT?

This process of reprogramming your mind not only has zero to do with the bible, but it resembles another religion's method. That religion is Wicca! Ironically, Wicca just happens to be the ONLY religion in the bible that is addressed as an abomination of the Lord. If you research the religion of Wicca, you will find that the an important roll, is engaging in creating imagery in your mind of what you pursue. If you do so, then through the power of spiritual feelings and meditation, you can get what ever you want, and feel what ever you want. Compare this to Joel's idea of mind programming, it is IDENTICAL to the Wicca routine. The only difference, is that Joel wrongfully stamps the name of God on it.
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