The Beverly Hillbillies: Granny's Garden (1963)
Season 2, Episode 3
True To Life Episode
21 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This show epitomizes why hi-falutin' folks in NY and LA hated this show yet why it remained in the top then regularly for nearly a decade. The critics never understood it and always mischaracterized it. They're like the money people for Rogers and Hammerstein. When R&H tried to get backers for "Oklahoma" they were told, "We don't want to see a musical about farm hands." Bigotry and intolerance flow in many directions.

Granny has the family up at four in the morning to plow up the front lawn for a vegetable garden, using a mule named Nelson ("Nelson?"). Unfortunately, Beverly Hills apparently has zoning ordinances about what one can do on one's own land, and banker Drysdale has to talk Granny out of it.

My mother never quite got up at four, but she had an extensive vegetable garden the whole family pitched in to grow (under her supervision).

In the deep south, one has to get an early start on the garden before the summer sun gets too high. At nine o'clock, Granny says they had wasted the whole day. In the southern summers, nine o'clock is when the heat begins to get oppressive in a garden. As anyone who has tried to pick a long butterbean row is aware.

One caveat: My mother would not approve of the way the strings marking Granny's rows sag in the middle. You can't plow a straight furrow if your strings aren't taut.

Otherwise, this episode is true to life. Especially the scene where the family trails downstairs after Granny. She goes on ahead to open the door and when she turns back they're all lying asleep on the stairs. Funny stuff.

The ending is politically incorrect.
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