Hanratty: The Whole Truth (2002 TV Movie)
A Biased View of the True Story.
21 July 2011
James Hanratty was innocent of the murder of Gregstone and the rape of Valerie Storie. The book by Paul Foot tells the true story of what happened that night.

Peter Alphon (the original suspect) was the true killer and rapist. He could not drive and needed instructions from Valerie Storie on how to drive. Yet Hanratty was a car thief so would have had no trouble in driving a Morris Minor. Alphon was paid to break up the liaison between Gregston and Storie. £5,000 was paid into his bank account that has never been accounted for.

Valerie Storie's original description of the killer was dark hair with dark deep set eyes. She then changed it to 'fair hair with big blue saucer like eyes' - quite a difference! The police did not want to know about new witnesses or new evidence. Good defence witnesses could have been called but only the police knew about these at the time of the trial, and they were not called.

It has been proved that Hanratty was in Liverpool on the day of the 22nd and then travelled to Rhyll that same day and spent the night in a guest house. Six good and reliable witnesses can testify to this with documentary proof of the date they spoke to Hanratty (the 23rd).

Hanratty's blood group was Group O Negative - quite rate. The semen found in Valerie Storie was Group O - the same as over half the population.

DNA in 1961 was careless and Valerie Storie's underwear was kept in the same bag as the clothes belonging to Hanratty. Because of the ignorance in 1961 about DNA, the samples were contaminated.

Peter Alphon was the (self confessed) killer and he had the motives. He was also seen in the area of Taplow in the days before the murder.

Ask yourselves this: Why would a petty thief like Hanratty - who had no convictions for violence and had never owned a gun, wish to travel to Dorney Reach, enter a deserted field, ask the occupants to drive an erratic route that took hours, and then kill somebody? It just doesn't make sense. However, if you ask the same questions of Peter Alphon everything slots into position and makes perfect sense.

Has anyone wondered about the amazing coincidence of the Vienna Hotel? That both Hanratty and Alphon stayed there on the same night? Hanratty was fitted up by his 'friend' the conman Dixie France who had a huge grudge against him for personal reasons. He supplied the gun to Alphon and gave him the instructions on what to do. Dixie France planted the gun and shells under the bus seat and then rang the bus garage to tell them where to look.

It's all very complicated, but please....don't rely on biased accounts to give you the truth. Read some books about the case.
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