Skyline (2010)
21 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't really expecting much from a movie with so many bad reviews, but when i heard from somebody in my class that it was his favorite movie i decided to give it a try. The movie begins when some random people do something (i forgot what) at a swimming pool. The movie doesn't bother to introduce you to any of these characters because it's to busy showing woman in bikini's. After the first pointless 5 minutes some flashy lights come down from the sky and hypnotize one of the guys from the first 5 minutes what makes him want to walk into the light (i guess?) Fortunately he survives and some of the men go investigate outside to find out what happened. The rest of the movie is just people making dumb decisions and getting their brains sucked out.

The story doesn't make sense and i still have no idea why the aliens are using the retarded brains of the humans to make new aliens. The acting isn't that bad but the one thing that really sucks from the movie is that their is NO character development in it. The characters never get a personality and because of this it's impossible to feel sorry for them when they die. A really strange thing from the movie is that the main character turns into a friendly alien at the end of the movie because he has super powers or something? The main point that i heard people complain about is that it's a rip off of some other sci-fi movies and i totally agree because you just can replace the name skyline for Independce Day meets War Of The Worlds.

My final verdict for this movie is a 3 out of 10.
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