70s exploitation
22 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A Sleazy badly acted exploitation slasher about a killer performing human sacrifices to his Aztec god.

The killer lures prostitutes into his apartment and after tying them to a table and oiling them he removes their hearts from their chests. Mildly enjoyable, for the first time but oh boy we're gonna see the same procedure over and over again. Acting is terribly special effects are tolerable but what makes it so bad is how poorly its scripted and edited. Its booooring. No amount of naked women getting butchered is going to make it feel anything but dull.

Only for the hardcore sleaze and exploitation fan or if you're a slasher fan and have already seen everything else.

Oh yeah it would probably be good to mention that this is a Video Nasty so any nasty completionist (like myself)is unfortunately going to have to bare though this.
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