Torchwood: Miracle Day: Rendition (2011)
Season 4, Episode 2
Jack and Gwen are taken to America
22 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode things don't look too good for Jack and Gwen as CIA agent Rex Matheson forces them onto a flight to the United States. Rex does not know that while he is taking Torchwood to the US his superiors are planning to eliminate anybody that knows anything about Torchwood… starting with Jack who became mortal at the same time everybody else on the planet became immortal. This attempt on his life takes place while their plane is still in the air; this leads to considerable difficulties as even once the poison is identified they don't have a ready supply of antidote. Meanwhile in Langley CIA agent Esther Drummond has realises that something is very wrong but getting out of the building without being captured will not be easy.

This was a good second episode; it had several tense moments as well as a fight scene that had a rather shocking ending! We also learn a little bit more about the nature of the immortality people have been 'blessed' with and when it becomes clear it is more of a curse than a blessing. There is still no hint why people have become immortal but probably villains are starting to emerge including senior CIA personnel and convicted child killer Oswald Danes. It is too soon to predict whether this series will be as good as previous ones but so far I'm optimistic.
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