Withnail & I (1987)
Three viewings over two decades. I still don't get it.
23 July 2011
I don't get it.

I didn't get it 15 years ago when I first saw it.

Didn't get it 5 years ago when I revisited to see if my 'missing the point' was due to previous immaturity.

And I don't get it now.

Withnail and I is the tale of two out of work, down on their luck, constantly searching for a cheap and quick high actors who live in squalid conditions and manage to cadge a free 'holiday' in the country out of Withnail's well to do Uncle Monty.

As I see it (and I may be wrong) the entertainment comes from their awkward interaction with a society that doesn't understand their eccentricities, and the fact that wealthy Uncle Monty is flamboyantly gay and is constantly trying to pork the non-relative of the duo.

Withnail is overly dramatic about everything, most frequently the lack of fine alcohol or drugs and an absence of creature comforts. He is in a constant state of displeasure and discontentment, and seems to be eternally coming down from something, meaning he teeters on the verge of either total collapse or vicious attack. This leads to his constant search for a new fleeting high from something, anything, and verbal lamentations when this chemical or alcoholic relief is not immediately forthcoming.

I can see how much of his dialogue is perceived as being 'quotable', but can't fathom the pleasure or amusement that one might derive from hearing it again and again, or worse from repeating these well-worn phrases and statements.

And 'I' is never named. He exists around Withnail, though trails about in his wake is perhaps more apt. When Withnail scores – be it drugs, grog or food – he is there. When Withnail collapses he cautiously tries to take charge… at least until Withnail storms back.

I mean as I see it that's about it. I can hardly think of a single scene that remains with me aside from the afore-mentioned male on male possible rape scene – and rest assured that was because of me seeing the discomfort rather than the humour - and while Withnail is indeed a whirlwind and a genuine presence (Richard E Grant in his debut and defining role) he doesn't say anything of sufficient magnitude or wit to stick to my ribs.

To me Withnail and I is a two hour exercise in waiting, waiting for either entertainment or something memorable to arrive. I've waited three times now, it isn't coming… Final Rating – 5 / 10. After three viewings over two decades I still don't get what others so obviously do. I'm afraid now I never will.
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