Insanely good. Way better than the actually Facebook online.
26 July 2011
I actually wrote this review right after I saw the movie in theaters. Maybe like the second or third day it was out. I never knew that a movie about Facebook could be so amazing. I had low expectations and they were in fact superseded times a hundred. Since this review I have seen the movie at least one more time in theaters and about four or five times on DVD with different people or by myself.

Here is the review:

Music. Besides film and sports, my favorite thing ever is music. Although I do not enjoy all types of music, I do try to respect them. Although, nowadays it's hard to. Music is constantly changing with the people. Unknown to me, two musical composers, one from England (Atticus Ross) and another America (Trent Reznor from Nine Inch Nails), teamed up to create The Social Network's soundtrack; its kind of a post- industrial, experimental, ambient sound. I must say that it's amazing. I downloaded it the night I came back from seeing Social Network. It's hard to find such a solid soundtrack these days. Always using the mainstream music. That was nice to hear.

Also, the whole story of The Social Network is so intriguing and awe- spelling. How Facebook came to be is such an interesting process and story told. It's also one that only Mark Zuckerberg can understand, played by Jesse Eisenberg, whom is great per usual. He really knows how to play that nerd well.

The writing is so smart, quick, and witty too. The screenplay was done by Aaron Sorkin , he also did the popular television show entitled The West Wing. I'm definitely going to have to see this movie several more times to not even come close to comprehending it all. The general gist is there, but I feel like something will always be missing. The whole idea of the internet leading to all this social networking is changing our world as we know it and how we live, hopefully its for the better and not worse. As a marketing major, it was also interesting to see this movie from that perspective. Its making our advertising much more integrated in the social experience.

We also got to see the new Spiderman in this movie, Andrew Garfield. I thought him and the majority of the cast did a job well done. Everything in this movie was superb. I can't wait to see it again.

"Insanely good. Way better than the actually Facebook online." ~The Nuz Journal

9/10 Stars.
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