Review of Lunarcop

Lunarcop (1995)
There is nothing wrong with this movie
27 July 2011
Heck, I enjoyed it very much. Its a bit of a return to the old seventies style action movies. This movie proves that a more than decent film can be made on a modest budget. Pare makes a cool hero and Drago makes a great villain. The plot is pretty straightforward good vrs evil but there are more than enough stunts, action, and fun to make it all work.

Honestly, I was surprised at well this turned out. The direction was very tight, very fast paced, and the editing was excellent. I wouldn't say it has the look of a big budget film but it gets a lot out of what there was to work with. The actress playing the heroine wasn't all that great but she was OK. She got some nice scenes towards the end that I wont' divulge here. This is a good movie with non stop action and a plot that is easy to follow if nothing else. Pare looked very cool throughout...a better version of Stallone.
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