Spider-Man 3 (2007)
The first two were great! What happened?!
4 August 2011
In spirit of the new reboot Spidey coming out next year, The Amazing Spider-Man, I just thought I'd re-watch the original trilogy. Here's just my thoughts on the third movie.

Having liked the first two Spidey films, I still cannot decide if having a third Spider-Man was the wrong decision or if this was just poorly made all around. I'm leaning more towards my second thought. The movie seemingly picks up right where the second one left off, but then it just gets weirder and plain weird. The whole emo-Spidey was just bizarre and didn't work in any capacity. I'd rather have him just kill some people to show off his evil side once the symbiote entered his body. I enjoyed the Sandman as a villain, played by Thomas Haden Church. I did not enjoy the 20 or 30 minutes of Venom. I'm sorry, actually I'm not, but Topher Grace does not appear to be a Venom-type actor. Horrible casting on their part. Perhaps if Venom had a bigger role in the film or if they had redone their cast to not feature Topher for the part.

5/10 Stars.
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