Why are films like this inflicted on the unsuspecting public?
6 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this low-budget-and-made-with-less-talent flick does have a good number of reasonably attractive women getting buck naked. That's largely offset, however, by the fact they're filmed with all the grace and eroticism of an industrial safety video for sewage plant workers. And despite all that nudity, there's only one halfway decent sex scene in the whole production. But I have to give writer/director Christopher Robin Hood credit for stocking his movie with a lot bare female flesh, because that's the only cotton pickin' thing this wet fart in a hurricane has going for it.

Let me be blunt. The Casino Job is almost as low as you can go on the scale of motion picture quality. The only way something could be more poorly made than this would be if the entire film was out of focus and the soundtrack was non-stop white noise. The camera work here is brutally simplistic. The plot could be mistaken for a dog turd. The dialog has all the flair of a UPS truck. And the acting…oh, sweet Mary! The acting here is so bad that is you put this DVD on the shelf next to Glengarry Glen Ross, it would transform the Mamet masterpiece into Ernest Goes to Camp and turn Jack Lemmon into Jim Varney. I am not exaggerating for effect when I say this cast could not have done a worse job if car batteries had been hooked up to their genitals and they were randomly shocked while on screen. Oh, and for some reason, most of the dialog had to be redubbed after shooting was concluded, so when everybody talks they look and sound like Andie MacDowell in Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes.

This is a Las Vegas heist movie, sort of like Ocean's 11 if 11 stood for the combined IQ of the filmmaker and his performers. A crew of strippers decide to ruin a casino boss, for reasons I won't bother getting into, and concoct a stunningly idiotic plan to do so that revolves around the strippers all being heartless whores and the people working at the casino all being blind and retarded. The plan works (surprise!) and the movie ends with the strippers all boinking various other characters, only to have another conclusion tacked onto the end of that which appears to have been an attempt to set up a sequel. If such a sequel is ever made, I will to go the home of Christopher Robin Hood, pour five gallons of kerosene over myself, ring the doorbell and when Mr. Hood answers, I will grab him in a bear hug and light a match.

This movie sucks, and not at all in an entertaining way. It's like driving through Nebraska. There's nothing to react to and you can only hope you don't die before making it to the other side. The Casino Job is another example of cinematic fraud being perpetrated on the public. I suppose you can't blame Christopher Robin Hood, his cast or crew. Everybody wants their big show business break. But this piece of crap wouldn't get a passing grade in a community college filmmaking class and somebody still decided to put it out for unsuspecting people to buy or rent. That person needs to be sent to federal prison and made to bunk with a large gentleman named Jerome.
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