Heaven's Rain (2011)
HEAVEN'S RAIN - Redemption Adventure through Forgiveness
11 August 2011
Did you ever feel the need to forgive a friend or loved one for doing something? Usually it is for something that winds up being pretty insignificant… but what if you felt the need to forgive someone you did not know? What if that person shot you and your sister leaving you for dead? What if the same person shot and killed both your mother and father? This is the dilemma that Brooks Douglass struggles with in his autobiographical drama HEAVEN'S RAIN. Douglass the son of a minister and his sister Leslie have shared this journey for over twenty years. It dramatically comes to a conclusion when face to face with the man who decimated his life and tore his family apart, Brooks makes the decision of his life…. a decision which helps him to regain his life. Forgiveness is more times than not much more beneficial for the one bestowing it than the one receiving it. If you have ever struggled with whether to forgive someone (and who of us hasn't) this is a story for you to watch. It is part adventure story, part family drama, part murder mystery and the pursuit of victim's rights… but mostly a story of forgiveness and redemption. The redemption Brooks Douglass finds… through the act of forgiveness.
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