Food Matters (2008)
Mixed review..
12 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so I have been researching a lot of this for some time. I've watched all of those Netflix movies, Food Matters, Food Inc., The Gerson Therapy, The Beautiful Truth, Etc. I've read documentaries, I am even about to read Max Gerson's book. As of right now I am completely on the fence as to whether this is all BS or not, so if you want an unbiased opinion, hear me out.

It has always been my philosophy to always question things, to doubt what may be true, and to consider things that may seem far-fetched. This debate is no different, and here is my opinion on both sides of the debate:

For Food Matters and Nutritional Therapies: It seems so simple, and so easy to understand. Being healthy can of course make your life longer, and can probably prevent diseases such as cancer. If this is the case, why can't good health also REVERSE the effects? Also, why would all of these people go to the trouble of putting this movie together, and then putting it on the internet to see for free? As for the whole "corporate invaded health care" I don't see any reason why this wouldn't be true, there are so many other things our citizens don't know, why can't this just be one more?

Against Food Matters and Nutritional Therapies: The first thing in my head wasn't to doubt the movie, I actually full heartedly believed it for a day after I watched it. Then I began questioning. Think about it, this is basically a conspiracy against 90+% of doctors, who ALL don't know ANYTHING about nutrition. It doesn't make much sense now, does it? And why would any doctor knowingly not release this information, realizing how many people it could save?

The point here, don't take sides and call it a night. Research it. Some of it could be true, some false. ALL of it could be true! Who knows? The information is here for you, books are here. Research. I know one thing is for certain, good nutrition is key to leading long healthy lives.

A vegan diet is actually best for us, because we once were herbivores and just recently began eating meat. Non-cooked foods are of course better as well. I personally recommend eating an organic vegan diet, BUT do not do so without knowing what nutrition, go to a nutritionist if you need to, but you'd be better off eating a diet filled with red meat than eating a vegan diet that has no nutritional value. Be smart about it, and remember to always question, and don't always just blow off those conspiracy buffs.
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