Once again, a low-energy Cisco Kid film from Monogram.
12 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Gilbert Roland starred in six Cisco Kid movies for Monogram Pictures in 1946 and 1947. Unfortunately, the films tended to be VERY talky and very low on action--so I can see why the series only lasted two years. Like most of the films, "King of the Bandits" is also very talky and many times they COULD have had a fight or other action, it was strangely missing--resulting in a less than thrilling film.

The film starts off well, as Pancho is having a really cool dream. I don't want to say more--you just need to see it. Unfortunately, it's all pretty much downhill from there.

Cisco and Pancho head to Arizona--a place he's never been and he's not wanted by the law...or so he thought. Despite never before setting foot there, he sees wanted posters for him. Soon he understands why--a local bandit is posing as him! And, as a result, the Cavalry is fast on his heels. So, it's up to Cisco to fine the real culprit and bring him to justice.

The plot doesn't sound bad on the surface. But, as I said above, again and again the action is restrained or non-existent. The only real action scene involves Cisco giving chase on his horse--but it's just too little. Not distinguished but also not terrible--purely a time-passer.

By the way, if you listen carefully, you'll notice when people say 'Cisco' during the movie it was dubbed in later!! They must have somehow changed the plot after the fact and had to do this sloppy change to make the film make sense!

begin w death poorly dubbed patches--single words within sentences--word 'Cisco'?! Kirby--evil piggy
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