An Excellent Indy Film
18 August 2011
"Still the Drums" is the kind of Indy that I have been waiting for. Finally a film that deals in character and story, rather than hype and gore. This fine little film is a flashback to films like "Glengarry Glen Ross" and "Twelve Angry Men." Just put some people in a room together, with a great premise, and see what happens. In this case it's three Viet Nam Veterans and their past in the War. These three lifelong friends laugh together, cry together, and ultimately confront the War that defined their lives. The writing is taught, the direction is crisp, and the acting is excellent. This is what Indies were originally about. This is the type of film you would expect out of John Cassavetes. So if you like character driven stories, this film is for you. I've certainly been waiting for a film like this for a long time. And thanks to producer, writer, director, actor, Talbot Perry Simons I finally have just what I've been looking for.
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