a classic that is of historical significance to both in this country and the woman's movement
20 August 2011
So one of my earliest memories from childhood is seeing this movie from 1979 with my parents in the theater. I will never forget the kid falling off the jungle gym and that "blank" (pardon my french) Meryl Streep using it against Dustin Hoffman in court. I think it is great that the two stars from this movie are still relevant today more than 30 years later. This is a classic. I think what spoke to me most about this movie was how it mirrored in subtle and not so subtle tones the changing landscape in America that really gained momentum in the 1970's. How women are more than just the roles men assign them, how men can make caring fathers, that women can and sometimes should make more money than men, how not all marriages are going to last forever, and finally how that can affect a small child. I can't say for sure but because of those struggles not so long ago, I think kids today are better prepared for divorce today. Its all around them, and there are support systems both private and public. We learned a lot from struggles that seemingly occurred ages ago. That is what I liked about Kramer vs. Kramer, it made me think as well as entertain. I am not sure that was the purpose behind this Robert Benton creation, but I think just like movies such as "inherit the wind" paint a picture from another time in American History and how we have changed as a people since, this movie does that as well. In that sense it also shows how much we have not changed at our core. If you haven't seen this film yet I don't think you can go wrong, and if you haven't seen it for several years check it out again, you might just find yourself thinking about this American life as well. if you like concise reviews of interesting films please read my other reviews at http://raouldukeatthemovies.blogspot.com/
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