Breaking Bad: A No-Rough-Stuff-Type Deal (2008)
Season 1, Episode 7
Season 1: Engaging and entertaining but the season has the feel of a pilot, rather than a show that knows its own mind
20 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I remember when Breaking Bad came out in the UK. From memory it was to be on Sky at a time when I wasn't sure if I'd keep my subscription but the main thing that stuck in my mind was that poster. The advertisements all focused on the image of Walter in his pants with a gun - essentially the opening few minutes of the first episode. I didn't have any other information about the show but it seemed an odd selling point and, alone like that it made the show appear to be wacky in some way, or goofy. As a result I skipped it and since then have seen reviewers and IMDb users putting it "up" there with shows I love such as The Wire, Deadwood, Dexter - or at least, those that love these shows also love Breaking Bad. So, as the fourth season starts in the US, I finally got around to picking up the first.

The first thing to say was that the first episode surprised me because I expected the scene at the start of the first episode to be worked back to across the season, not to be reached within the episode as it was. This was a positive for me because the show covered a lot of ground and had plenty going on, and this mostly continued throughout the short season. The downside of this is that it feels like it is in a rush and at times the confidence of Walt seemed to come on too quickly without really having an even pace in terms of him growing what he is capable of and also the risks he is willing to take. In terms of content and tone the season gets a good mix of family and drug-dealing drama and the balancing of the two; at times it is tense, at others it is darkly funny, at others it is a little sad, but it does them all pretty well. The blend isn't quite there though and it felt like the show was maybe feeling out what worked and what didn't without really having a full understanding of what it is itself. You get this with pilot episodes but in this case this first season felt very much like all seven episodes were the pilot.

It interested me though and I liked what it did even though I didn't love what it did. Problems seemed to be dealt with quite quickly, which made for a solid episode but didn't build particularly well and I kept hoping for challenges and problems (beyond the very obvious, headline ones) to be extended and given more tension. To pick one, I'd say them deciding to rob a chemical plant (something experts were charging them big for) and then minutes later they have done it, seemed a little too pat for me - and although it was amusing as a scene, it wasn't played enough for laughs to make me forget this other side. This is one example but I found it a frequent problem and again it is associated with the show not totally seeming to have a firm grip on what kind of beast it is. Even with this though, it was still good television and the plot mix was good.

The performances are solid but out the front is of course Cranston. Nearly unrecognisable from Malcolm in the Middle, he is great in the lead and each emotion is really well delivered and he convinces even at times when the script is perhaps not as even and consistent as his character requires. With a script that compliments his character better he can only do more on top of what is already a good performance. Paul has a simpler character but he works well with the type of character that could have annoyed me quite easily. Gunn had a quite difficult job because she doesn't have the more dramatic scenes that Cranston and, although it isn't this way, there is an element of being lumbered with the more emotional content - she carries it well and in a manner that is realistic. Norris, Mitte and many thugs all fill the supporting cast well.

Breaking Bad is better than I expected but at the same time I don't feel like this first season is really the best it can do. It has plenty going on but at times it is a little inconsistent and unsure of itself in regards its tone and to a point the season as a whole feels like a pilot testing the waters of the viewer to see what works and how far it can take things in terms of plot and characters. The first season was strong enough to interest me though and it will bring me back for the second, where hopefully it will be a lot more confident in itself.
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