Overall, a pretty lame comedy
21 August 2011
As is the way with many Poverty Row films from the time, the title for this one is very misleading. There really isn't any spooky goings on here. However, this film does contain a very specific staple from the time in that it is essentially about an old dark house with a villain hiding in it. I have no idea why these types of films were so popular at the time but there does seem to be a plethora of them. Normally it seemed to be a man in an ape suit hiding in the house but in this case it's an escaped convict. Otherwise, the film features the usual array of nonsense such as a large group of characters in a house, a cowardly comic-relief black character and secret passageways.

To be honest, it's not very good. Despite a short running time it doesn't really move very fast and the humour is only funny on occasion. There is an ongoing thread of 'humour' where a hangman neighbour keeps saying to the black character that he has a good neck for hanging. Yeah, that's right lynching was all a good laugh! I suppose it shows elements of some attitudes of the time. Other than this there are no outrageous moments. It's the usual succession of lame moments. There's no tension or thrills in case you were wondering. It's really a comedy first and foremost. And not a very good one.
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