Review of Superheroes

Superheroes (2011)
up up and away but first a beer
21 August 2011
So I watched HBO's 2011 documentary called superheroes. So was it good, I say up up and away (is that what superman used to say?) or in other words good. This documentary exposed me to a phenomena that I did not know existed, where people take the liking of superheroes way to far. Well that's not entirely true I saw a Mexican documentary a few years back, about Mexican wrestlers who were just people with a cause and a mask to draw attention to themselves called "super amigos", that was also very interesting and good. Basically this documentary is about a bunch of vigilantes most of whom are either out of shape, old, or drunks. There was a team out of New York which was actually composed of some very organized highly trained bad asses. But for the most part these are people with a super hero fetish who are just trying to do some good. My favorite line from the doc was when a super hero was describing his day it went as follows. "he's a regular guy who gets up,.... says goodbye to his girlfriend....., and goes out on the streets in costume." Then the documentarian asks "So you have a girlfriend?", and the super hero replies, "No ... I was just speaking metaphorically." I think that one line says it all, these guys are pretty freaking out there. However, they do good, they seem to help homeless people and shine a light on a common problem in this world, which is that most people turn a blind eye to injustice in this world including cops. So is this movie for everyone, well maybe some comic book geeks may be offended, but it has a good mix of entertainment value and educational value as well (it is a documentary after all). So mostpeople should find something to like about this flick I know I did. if you like concise reviews of interesting films please read my other reviews at
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