a true classic
21 August 2011
So I revisited the sixth sense today. I can't think of too many people who haven't seen this flick at this point, but there is a whole new movie watching audience growing up right now that may have never even heard of this "classic". So the first time I saw this movie I didn't know the secret, but I knew there was one and figured it out about 10 minutes into the film. If you are young and don't know why someone just said "I see dead people" this movie is where that great line came from. This is also in case you don't know, pretty much the only film M. Night Shamalan did that isn't crap (I also liked unbreakable). So was this movie as good as I remember, well it was even better. I didn't spend the whole movie trying to solve a puzzle so I think I was able to really enjoy what a good story this is. For all you youngins' out there in the year 2100 who come across this as an archive, well for one greetings from beyond the grave, and secondly check out the sixth sense it's awesome. if you like concise reviews of interesting films please read my other reviews at http://raouldukeatthemovies.blogspot.com/
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