I think it is an atrocious film
31 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I consider myself a pure skeptic...almost to a fault. After seeing the first film I doubted that I had seen the whole story. Surely there was some physical evidence that was produced at trial that simply wasn't included in the film because it would make a better story. However through my VERY limited research it appears that the state really did not produce any physical evidence that directly linked the WM3 to the murders. I am not saying they are innocent, only that from what I understand there is no evidence that they are guilty. There is a difference.

My problem is that this film forgets that there is also no physical evidence that directly links Mark Byers to the case. Yes, his knife had some blood on it that matched BOTH his AND the victim but it was in his possession for some time and it is plausible that he would have cut himself ...on a knife.

What I find truly FOUL about this film is the way that they give Byers and "honorarium" to do this film (when he is probably in dire need of money) and basically spend the bulk of the film mocking him in a way that makes me not like him. Yes, he is a creep. And behaves really creepy. That doesn't mean he is a killer. Yes, he has a criminal record, and a long one. That doesn't mean he is guilty in THIS case (it's why prior criminal history is rarely allowed in a court case). And yes, he fits the bill, but that doesn't mean he is the guy. Just a creep. After the first film, I was open to the idea that he is possibly the murderer. Oddly, after this film tried so hard to convince me that he may just might be that guy, I am even less convinced. He DID pass a lie detector, and while those can be beaten, the experienced tester certified it. Amazing that the other reviewers here are willing to overlook the test but accept that Miskelley's confession is invalid. Confessions aren't valid, lie detectors aren't valid. Where is the factual evidence? What can I believe? Anyway, the film makers railroad Byers the same way the court system railroaded the WM3. Insulting that this is what the media has become.

Secondly, the film completely accepts the "forensic science" that is given by a guy that teaches it on the web. Lol. But they totally ignore the conflicting reports that is given by multiple professional forensic experts that are actually working in the field. As a skeptic, I do not believe it rules out the WM3 (again, I don't know if they are innocent, but I don't believe they should have been convicted). I am not even convinced it was bite mark.

Thirdly, the film consists of no less than 20 full minutes of footage from the first film. I already saw the first film. Also, the film makers are sure to not edit anything out of this film that refers to the so called genius on the first film. Yes the first was thought provoking but everybody I know who sees it says they want to read more about it. Proof it is an incomplete story.

to recap: 1) Byers is railroaded in this film the same way the WM3 are railroaded in the court system. The media and the courts have failed in this case. Equally.

2) No physical evidence proves that Byers is guilty. In fact, I am now more convinced he is not the murderer...just a misguided CREEP.

3)The film makers take one not so valid opinion and treat it as gospel but ignore numerous professional opinions on the bite marks. A complete and total failure of journalism.

4) The film makers sure pat themselves on the back with this one. The skeptic in me is now starting to think that their presence in the trials somehow adversely affected the justice of the case.

I can totally sympathize with the WM3 but the film makers completely blew it. An atrocious failure in film making and journalism.

Sad as the REAL story is that no evidence has been found, and the REAL MURDERER HAS TOTALLY GOTTEN AWAY WITH IT. Something that is totally lost in the film.

1 star only
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