Brothers War (2009)
it's not as bad as everyone says
1 September 2011
I have seen this movie twice! Just felt i had to start on a positive note since most of the reviews are bad ones;) This movie is a cheap production. Thats a fact. In many of the scenes I get the feeling that I'm watching a bunch of ww2 buff's that play war. but then the movie also has some decent battle scenes considering the budget. I haven't seen any major errors in Equipment (yes there might be some wrong tanks and a American flag from the fifties). however all the medals and uniforms are correct. the Russian cannon and handguns being used by the Germans are not prop-fails, they are very realistic as German soldiers at that time used everything they could to keep the Russians away. I have read some books written by Soldiers on the eastern front and the tactics being used are also relatively realistic.(some of them, indeed there are mistakes) There was a complaint that the Germans yelled panzer when the tanks appeared. That is exactly what they would have said. It IS the German word for tank. Or maybe the Germans built the pak.40(antitank cannon4.40) to take out their own tanks?;) Also, don't complain that the Russian are portrayed as subhuman assholes, most of the Hollywood movies I have seen does the same thing. Russians are off course just like everyone else but it is just natural that the Grunts of the red army looked a little ugly and weird. They had been at war for a long time, fighting a very resilient enemy.

Now i don't like Nazis but I have a deep respect for the common Whermacht soldier. many of them where forced to war and in the end, they just fought for their own lives. even the SS wasn't all bad, many of them simply needed a job in the 30's or joined up to fight communism. The German soldier was just like every soldier in a major war. Afraid. Few of them where politically active and most companies would get a political officer that all the soldiers hated. most of us know that it is worse to have a bad boss than to work in his competition, so lets give the common German soldier of ww2 a break:)

I didn't read all the reviews, so maybe all this have been said before. I don't care. I like this movie.

just get past the fact that it is far below the budget of most war films, and one might find that the movie is good. There are times when the story feels choppy, but again it has a very low budget so I suppose parts could have been cut.

I'll give it a 6 out of 10. could have been much better, but all in all, it's cool.
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