Great story...that desperately needs a reboot!
2 September 2011
I'm in a weird position with this movie. I watched it when it first came out, when my boys were still quite young, and remember liking it immensely. Now, all these years later, I saw it on Neflix Instant and thought it would be fun to watch with my eleven year old stepson. Wow, what a difference 20 years makes! I could hardly stand to watch this show through (Actually, I didn't. I got a call part way through and used it as an excuse to miss a large part of it!). I have to second what others have said about the god-awful acting by everyone in this film. It just all grated on me...the moralizing speeches by the father, the rants of the coach, and, to the greatest extent, the horrible performance by the lead. Another reviewer mentioned the whispering narrator. Listening to him made the hair on my neck bristle! In this era of Hollywood "rebooting" movies (i.e. The Hulk, Spiderman, etc.), this is a story worthy of a new -- and much more refined -- look. Pistol Pete's story is inspirational and I'd love for someone to put it in a movie that doesn't make me want to run an ice pick through my right temple.

Side Note: My stepson actually seemed to like the movie. Perhaps one of the reasons I appreciated it all those years ago was because it was so squeaky clean and, as a parent, I didn't have to cringe my way through any of the subject matter.
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