Review of Freight

Freight (2010)
made this account just to tell you to avoid this at all costs (even free)
4 September 2011
Wanted to see this movie because I thought Bill Murray plays in it. It took me a while to understand that there's no Bill, but BILLY Murray. Oh, well... my first mistake. Continued watching it till the end, out of curiosity and because I had nothing else to do. My second BIG mistake.

Just say no to this. Believe me when I tell you that there are better ways to spend one and a half hour of your life. You can watch paint dry, or something. ( You've been warned.

(By the way, what does this mean: "Your review does not contain enough lines - the minimum length for reviews is 10 lines of text. Please see the guidelines. Attempts to pad the comment with junk words can result in your account being blocked from future submissions."?)
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