Decent degrading WIP roughie fun
5 September 2011
Sometimes you don't want to deal with plot. You don't want to deal with niceties of character or development, you just want a film that gets to the point right away and stays there. Domination Blue knows your wishes. That's why barely three minutes in a gal is masturbating with a Barbie doll and things barely let up from then. Generally speaking this is a women in prison film. There are women, in a prison, there's a head jailer and his lady assistant or something who abuse them, some of the women have back stories and at the end there's a bit of a turn around for anyone who desired any sort of fairness or reason. I didn't as it happens (fairness and reason are for pussies) but its there anyway and its pretty cool. Actors wise there are one or two that seem to be veterans of this sort of material, I'm not so familiar with it so no one stuck out but Sharon Mitchell and Vanessa del Rio are in there for those in the know. Acting isn't really an issue here though as the dialogue mostly consists of obscenities and the action mostly consists of well, obscenities too. The assorted ladies here are pretty much nothing more than sexed up meat puppets performing for the assured late 70's sleaze-hound audience and they all do good dehumanised work (and porno chicks ain't people right?). The soundtrack does well here actually, pattering drums and vaguely Eastern riffing producing a nicely trance-like mood that perfectly complements the zoned out, degraded performers. If I'm not mistaken at least one or two of them were actual hapless junkies at the time, making the whole thing more piquant for those (like me) that groove to actual human exploitation on screen. The utterly perfunctory direction is another boon, absolutely no ornaments to what takes place, there's a purity to the affair that is perfectly pleasing, however impure things get. And dang do things get impure, as well as improper use of a doll there's fork fun, dildo play, genuinely disturbing incest rape, comical cock abuse, golden action and other good times, all portioned out nicely so things stay fresh and fun throughout. I think the film erred in situating its nastiest stuff fairly early on thus climaxing (in pervert terms) too soon, also the ending could have been fruitfully drawn out a little longer. Plus there's a bit of standard hardcore fodder that just seems way too normal in comparison with the rest and is a bit of a drag, albeit presumably hot for more regular tastes than mine. Still, for a hit of mean spirited and degrading porno trash this is more than satisfactory stuff and definitely recommended to enthusiasts.
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