A bit dry and stilted--and best if you understand the history.
10 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
If you don't know much about the modern history of the Ottoman Empire, you might want to read up on it before you see the film. Unfortunately, folks here in the US know next to nothing about this important period--I should know, I am a retired history teacher. I'll try to sum it up briefly. By 1900, the Ottoman Empire had long been in decline. The leader, Sultan Abdul Hamid II, was weak and was eventually forced by reformists to institute a constitutional government. This group is often referred to by the term 'Young Turks', though they weren't necessarily young--just desiring to modernize the country. And, not surprisingly, those who wanted to maintain the old order were called 'Old Turks'!

The film is set around 1908. The leader of the Young Turks has been recalled out of exile to set up a new government. However, the Chief of Police is a ruthless man and resents the Young Turks. So, he orchestrates an assassination of the leader of the Old Turks and blames the crime on the Young Turks in order to derail the formation of the constitutional government. Can the treachery be discovered in time or will the Ottoman Empire be forever doomed?!

The idea of doing a film about this time period is pretty cool--even if a lot of the material is fictional. My major problem with the film is its very static nature. It didn't need to be this dull--in fact, it should have been very exciting (especially with a title like "Abdul the Damned"!!). The film could have used some incidental music (it lacks this entirely) and a few of the performances could have been intensified a bit, as it's rather cerebral. Now this is NOT to say it's a bad film--it just could have been better--especially if it's to interest the average viewer today.

The fact is, that I would LOVE to see films made about this 1908 'mini-revolution' but would also love to see one about the formation of Turkey by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in 1923. And, I would like them to be interesting and well-made--as they should be. I just won't hold my breath until Hollywood to rushes to make such a project!
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