Entertaining straight-up Grade B creature feature fun
15 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A group of researchers in an underwater laboratory are terrorized by a vicious and predatory alien lizard beast (Ron Burke in an obvious, but still nifty scaly costume). Director Francis D. Lyon, working from an admittedly hokey, but still tight and serviceable script by Arthur C. Pierce, relates the enjoyable story at a snappy pace, builds a reasonable amount of tension, stages the creature attack scenes with flair, and treats the pretty silly premise with admirable seriousness. Moreover, the sturdy cast make the most out of the endearingly cornball material: Scott Brady as the stalwart, no-nonsense Commander Wayne, Sheree North as the brassy and fetching Dr. Rene Peron, Gary Merrill as the pragmatic Dr. LaSatier, Wende Wagner as the cute and spunky Sandra Welles, Mike Road as macho diver Hugh Maddox, and veteran character actor James Hong as comic relief Asian cook Ho Lee (complete with pet parrot!). The lovably chintzy Tonka Toy miniatures and rubbery clawed'n'fanged amphibious humanoid reptile monster both give this picture a certain sweetly naive dimestore charm. Brick Marquard's cinematography boasts a few neat helicopter shots and some nice deep sea photography. Paul Dunlap's spirited score does the stirring trick. Granted, this ain't exactly a work of art, but it does deliver what it promises and hence gives you your money's worth -- and that's what it's all about when you really think about it. An immensely fun flick.
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