Home and Away: Episode #1.5350 (2011)
Season 1, Episode 5,350
"We haven't actually been out on a date"
16 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
So, after two pretty decent episodes, it's back to the Charlie and Brax show.For much of this episode, it's hard to work out why we're supposed to care about these characters.Charlie, the nominal law in the town, has lost all sense and taken up with the town's main criminal.Brax wanders around threatening everyone and behaving like a two-bit thug. Joyce, who seemed to be a refreshing new broom, has been infected by the general incompetency and achieves absolutely nothing.By the end of the episode, Charlie's such a failure on every level that her reaction to a dangerous criminal confessing to her is to cry and run away.

In the middle of all this, we have a break-up scene between Ruby and Casey that's so ridiculously melodramatic it's impossible to relate to and everyone acting as though Heath's the biggest threat to society when he's practically a nobody.

Marilyn's in this episode.Normally her patronising attitude towards Roo and their "comedy" sparring would be unbearable but here it's a welcome relief.There's some good material for Alf, Morag's on top form as usual and Roo and Sid have a sensible discussion about a relationship that is superior to the Charlie/Brax nonsense on every level.Why can't the show be like this all the time?
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