Doctor Who: The God Complex (2011)
Season 6, Episode 11
Owes A Bit To Tradition And That's Not A Bad Thing
21 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
DOCTOR WHO is a unique show but isn't exactly an original one . The whole premise of the series owes a massive debt to HG Wells and the differing eras tend to homage other inspirations . Jon Pertwee's debut season is pure QUATERMASS whilst the early Tom Baker stories are a homage to Hammer horror . This shouldn't be viewed as a criticism since the above two eras show he programme as its very best

The God Complex is a case in point . It's not very original as it rips off the myth of the Minotuar and features Orweell's room 101 as a plot device where people are imprisoned with their greatest fears . It's certainly one of the most enjoyable episodes of the Moffat era since it doesn't get caught up in pretentious timey wimey time paradox .It's also an episode that feels in keeping with the spirit of Moffat's predecessor . The characterisation is some what clichéd and shallow with a geeky computer nerd scared of girls , a humanoid descended from a non primate mammal , an ethnic minority character with a career etc but again this shouldn't be taken as a criticism , more of a tradition

Where the episode is less successful is that it spends the first half building up to the revelation of the monster which is a technique almost as old as the show itself going all the way back to the first Dalek story in 1963 . The problem with this once the monster is let out of the bag the mystery and suspense used for its revelation means it doesn't have the same impact after first viewing . The episode also suffers from the mawkish scene of the Doctor holding the monster's hand as it dies which smacks of RTD at his most manipulative , as is the scene where the Doctor bids goodbye to his companions . Cue Amy Pond with saw dust running down her cheeks but don't worry about Ms Gillan because she'll be back for the Christmas special so her appointment at the job centre will be delayued for another few weeks

All in all this is a pretty good episode . By no means a classic but much better than most than those produced by Steven Moffat . It's no coincidence that much of the enjoyment of watching this is due to the fact that it's a standalone episode devoid of a running thread and timey wimey nonsense that destroyed much of the first half of season six
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