The Shortcut (2009)
Short on Storyline and Short on Thrills...
25 September 2011
After starting this movie, I found myself constantly checking to see how far into the film I was.

At the 30 minute mark, the movie was still was not doing anything for me. Yes, they give you a little bit of background (a few minutes ), and the rest is spent attempting to shape some characters - but alas, nothing interesting. I actually started to nod off.

45 minutes in - they finally have one good scene. Then, it's back to the teeny-bopper, high school setting.

Not sure how they can classify this as "horror" or even suspense, with just a handful of tense scenes. I am not a fan of gore, and don't need blood to enjoy a movie - but I do like to be taken by surprise, or startled. A thrill or two is great. You simply won't find anything here.
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