Standard Evangelical Fare: Not Bad, Not Amazing
24 September 2011
Born-again Christianity and good cinema, while not necessarily mutually exclusive, generally aren't seen in the same zip code. People don't go to movies to be preached at. We go to movies because we want, and need good stories. Movies like Amazing Grace, Bella, and Ben-Hur are great stores, great movies, and have positive Christian themes. Unfortunately, a lot evangelical movies tend to be rather ham-fisted and "preachy." To appeal to a wider audience, you have to take into account the fact that most of the audience have foundational assumptions that might not include a Christian worldview. Marriage Retreat doesn't do that.

Of course there will always be people that decide to hate a Christian movie on general principle and spin it by critiquing something else other than the message (which is ultimately what offends them).

Marriage Retreat isn't a bad movie. It's got a reasonably good plot, some decent jokes, and it's nice to sit down and watch something that doesn't have a slew of F-bombs and crass sexual innuendos. Unfortunately, it won't spark much of an interest outside of the young-marrieds group at the local mega church.
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